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What is the RtI Process?

The Response to Intervention (RtI) process is a type of multi-tiered instruction (MTSS) for providing services and interventions to struggling learners at increasing levels of intensity. It includes the following:

  • Screening

  • High-quality instruction

  • Interventions matched to a student’s needs

  • Frequent progress monitoring

  • The use of data to make educational decisions

K-Shield Partnership Program
The Response to Intervention

Response to Intervention (RtI), is an approach to academic intervention used in the United States to provide early, systematic, and appropriately intensive assistance to children who are at risk for and/or underperforming as compared to appropriate grade or age-level standards.

RtI seeks to promote academic success through screening, early intervention, frequent progress monitoring, and increasingly intensive research-based instruction or interventions for children who have difficulty with academics. RtI is a multileveled approach for aiding students that is adjusted and modified as needed if they are failing.

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$129 up to 1-hour session

Book a consultation with a Senior RtI Educator at the most convenient date. He will be ready to answer your questions about RtI / ESE and plan best way to implement the process in your school.


Over the past decade, Response to Intervention (RtI) has seen widespread use in schools as an effective tool to promote student learning. Originally developed to help students with learning disabilities, RtI’s success has led to its use for all students at school, not just for those with specialized needs. The approach has several key components:

  • Multi-tiered instruction: All students receive Tier 1 support. Students that need additional help (typically about 15 percent of students) also receive Tier 2 support in small groups. About five percent of students receive intensive, one-on-one, Tier 3 support.

  • Ongoing assessment: All students undergo regular monitoring to determine whether they need Tier 1, Tier 2, or Tier 3 support.

  • Collaborative decision-making: Schools often use a team of educators (such as general education teachers, learning specialists, and school counselors) to make decisions about what supports a student may need. Parents are also heavily involved.