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Special Education

Teaching Plans are developed according to students learning needs

Exceptional Student Educator Specialists (ESE) search for activities and resources that can be easily adapted to meet the academic needs of each child.

They also work with school counselors, speech-language pathologists, school psychologists, occupational therapists and parents to help children develop and socialize.

When it is determined that a student qualifies for special education services, a team meets to develop a Individualized Education Plan (IEP) that meets that student’s needs.

The IEP team consists of the student, the student’s parents, the ESE Specialist, at least one of the student’s regular classroom teachers, and other specialists and administrators.

This team meets throughout the year to discuss the student’s progress and whether the IEP needs to be adjusted in any way. Although each team member contributes to the development of the document, the ESE Specialist provides unique input on special needs, learning strategies, modifications and implementation.

Teaching Plans

Here are some of the things that an Exceptional Student Educator Specialist does on a regular basis:

All students, learn in different ways. Teachers must be able to discern these learning differences and modify lessons to suit their particular groups of students.

  • Teaching students with disabilities and special learning needs – from autism to visual impairment – requires unique training that most general teachers do not receive. It also includes the use of assistive and adaptive technologies that help students overcome physical or cognitive limitations.
  • Depending on the teaching position, the ESE Specialist may instruct small groups of students or work one on one. At times special needs students may be pulled out of their general education classes for individual work or therapy – such as speech – with the special education teacher.

A student’s academic goals must be both challenging and achievable.

  • Part of individualized instruction involves adapting the subject curriculum for each student based on the requirements of his or her IEP.

  • Adaptations come in many forms, such as altering classroom seating, providing graphic organizers and other visual aids during presentations, adjusting the duration of activities, allowing verbal rather than written responses, highlighting text and adjusting font size for visibility, and simplifying wording.

Even though they may also be adapted to meet students’ needs, assessments are ongoing.

  • Assessments can be as informal as students holding a thumb up or down to show their understanding, or as formal as a statewide end-of-course exam.

  • Assessments are how special educators monitor students’ progress and know whether they are meeting their annual IEP goals.
  • ESE Specialists are responsible for distributing IEPs to their schools’ general education teachers and making sure those teachers understand the IEP requirements and how best to implement the modifications.
  • The ESE Specialist may also visit the classroom to give the special needs student extra guidance. This sometimes looks like “team teaching,” where the regular classroom teacher presents a lesson, and the special education teacher follows up with the student to check for understanding.

Because of the extra monitoring and individual attention that many of their students require, special education teachers typically communicate with parents more often than the average general education teacher would.

Book Now a Live Video Consultation!

$49 up to 1-hour session

Just book a date with an ESE Specialist and submit an interactive online admission form. Our team will carefully select the most qualified professional for your first video consultation.

How It Works

From the Calendar Scheduler, select one of the available dates and open times.

Click on the Book It button and proceed to check-out.

After successfully completing the payment procedure, you will be directed to an Order Details page. Review your completed order and proceed to click on the Patient Intake Form button.

Fill in and submit the Patient Intake Form, which will allow us to assign a knowledgeable specialist to review your concerns and prepare to assist you on video consultation.

AC&A provides a warm and professional environment. You will need a tablet, smartphone, or computer with a built-in camera and microphone and access to reliable internet. It is recommended you test your device prior to confirming your audio and video work well. Consultations are held via ZOOM meetings and you can check your device and web connection in this link: http://zoom.us/test.

Prior to your Video Consultation, your assigned screener will review your Patient Intake Form and know your main concerns. During the video consultation, the screener will answer your questions and will present you with the most suitable therapeutic and treatment options for your needs.

Whenever the patient does not have sufficient autonomy or mastery of technology to participate in an online meeting, the presence of a caregiver or family member during the consultation will be necessary.

Relatives and other health professionals who wish to participate in the consultation remotely may do so if they have previously been registered in the Patient Intake Form.